Michael Fassbender and Ridley Scott lead stars on another trip into deep space

LONDON, UK – 2 February 2017: Michael Fassbender led the stars on ‘green’ carpet for the world premiere of the next chapter of the eagerly anticipated Alien franchise, Alien: Covenant. Against the backdrop of the now infamous alien, Fassbender was joined by lead actress Katherine Waterston and director Ridley Scott and famous faces such as Tom Hardy, Dakota Blue Richards and Tess Hambrich.
For those unable to make it to London for the world premiere, 20th Century Fox has set up a Facebook Live stream, where fans can watch all of the stars and filmmakers walk the red carpet before the big screening.
Set ten years after Prometheus, the crew of the colony ship Covenant, return to the universe created by Scott nearly forty years ago. Bound for a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, they discover what they think is an uncharted paradise, but is actually a dark, dangerous world. When they uncover a threat beyond their imagination, they must attempt a harrowing escape.
Alien: Covenant hits UK cinemas on 12 May 2017.
For more details, please contact Anna or Mike at Sassy:
anna@sassyfilms.com | +44 (0) 7814 971 960 | +44 (0) 208 905 2345
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