“Cobot” Co-Workers – Easy to Use Collaborative Robots Set to Transform the Workplace

Wednesday 24th February 2021 - Zürich, Switzerland: Global technology company ABB today unveils its expanding collaborative robot (cobot) portfolio, with the introduction of the new GoFa™ and SWIFTI™ cobots. The new cobots build on the success of YuMi – the world’s first truly collaborative robot – which was launched in 2015.
ABB believes cobots will help transform workplaces. Easy to use and install, cobots are designed to safely operate alongside humans without fences and are a cost-effective and space-efficient way for even small organisations to introduce automation.
GoFa™ and SWIFTI™ are designed so customers need not rely on in-house programming skills. This will unlock industries that have low levels of automation, with users able to operate their cobots within minutes of installation, straight out of the box, with no specialized training. If you can use a tablet or smartphone, you can use a cobot.
The launch is supported by the release of new research which shows that businesses globally are struggling to recruit and retain staff for a wide range of repetitive and challenging tasks that people increasingly do not want to do.
In a global survey conducted by ABB of large and small businesses across Europe, the US and China, 78% of company owners say recruiting staff for repetitive and ergonomically challenging jobs is a challenge - and companies are looking to robotic automation to help offset these labour shortages. The survey suggests as many as 8 out of 10 workplaces could feature a robot by 2030, with 84% of businesses saying they are likely to introduce, or increase the use of, robotics and automation in the next decade
With 85% saying the pandemic had been “game-changing” for their business and industry, COVID-19 has been a catalyst for many companies to accelerate investments in automation. 43% said they were looking to robotics to help them improve workplace health and safety, and over half (51%) said robotics could enhance social distancing. More than one-third (36%) are considering using robotic automation to improve the quality of work for their employees.
In 2019, more than 22,000 new collaborative robots were deployed globally, up 19% compared to the previous year. The demand for cobots is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 17% between 2020 and 2025; with the value of global sales expected to increase from an estimated USD 0.7 billion in 2019 to USD 1.4 bn by 2025.
For any further information, please contact Karun or Andriana at Sassy: | +44 (0) 7725 940 179 | | +44 (0) 7761 255 487 |